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Labo 2021 Participants: Space, voice and music

Join us for a showcase of the talented participants of Labo 2021 as they present works from their own artistic practices!

Participant Presentation 4:

Space, voice and music / Espace, voix et musique
Presenters : Sarah Rossy & Jeanne Côté

Créer avec l’espace sonore du·de la musicien·ne / Jeanne Côté

L’espace sonore dans la peau du•de la musicien•ne est peu exploré et pourtant si riche! Grâce à l’enregistrement binaural il est maintenant possible de capter les sons sous cet angle afin de mieux comprendre cet univers si intime. Plusieurs sons et différentes façons d’utiliser cet espace pouvant enrichir votre processus créatif vous seront présentés.

The Embodied Voice: approaching resonance from a somatic and mindful perspective / Sarah Rossy

This is a workshop in which participants will be invited to explore their voices from an embodied perspective. It will be a virtual healing space incorporating elements of guided meditation, breath, vocalization, somatic movement practices, and/or virtue-based reflections that have influenced my artistic and spiritual journeys in recent years. Participants are invited to experience physical and sonic space through channels of empathy, self-love, compassion through their voices in an ultimately humanizing way.

Other info:
-Please have a journal, water, and wear comfortable clothes that bring you joy.
-Set up your space so you have some space to move around.
-You will have the option to have your camera on or off. Please stay muted the whole time unless otherwise specified.
-Please note that I am offering this from a place of communal compassion. The
most important thing is to listen to your body; I am neither a trained
therapist nor trauma specialist, but I have worked in these media
through performance, creation, and teaching.